Guinness Beer


When someone looks at you and says “Pint?”, this is the pint they’re talking about. If you want something else, you’ll have to specify. It’s rich, it’s creamy, and it’s black (well actually, if you look closely, Guinness is ruby red in color but don’t tell anyone!).

It’s everything it promises to be. Every time. It’s what we’re famous for, and although we love all of our beers just the same, it will always hold a special place in our Guinness Draught loving hearts.

Hopefully yours too. Truly unique. Perfectly balanced.

Not many people know this, but the iconic pint wasn’t the first beer brewed by the man himself*

*The man himself = Arthur Guinness. If you knew that, get yourself a Guinness Draught.

Guinness Draught in fact was only brewed for the first time in 1959 to celebrate the 200-year anniversary since Arthur Guinness signed a 9,000-year lease on St. James’s Gate Brewery. Good man Arthur, he clearly knew a good thing when he saw it!

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